E. 4. DECALOGUE . The Decalogue One: GOD spok e all these words: I am GOD, your GOD, who brought you out of a life of slavery. [3] It consists of ten one-hour films, inspired by the decalogue of the May 11, 2016 · The Decalogue in Liturgy. Central Ave. Many things concerning the sanctity of the Decalogue. In our resistance to such requirements, we sometimes pretend they are the “Ten Suggestions” or the “Ten Requests,” as if hearing Apr 8, 2012 · The Decalogue of the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church (AME) Click on the links below to hear an audio recording of the AME Decalogue: listen to ‘The Decalogue of the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME), part 1 of 3’ on Audioboo. A recapitulation of the seven articles, and that it can be denied by no one, but that they are religion itself. May 26, 2019 · Historic St John AMEC S Miami. Mission: "The Mission of the AME Church is to minister to the social Nov 6, 2019 · Abstract. Comment. And the second is like unto it: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. The Preface to the Decalogue Bishop John F. Jul 27, 2021 · Rev. M: And he said to him, You shall love the Lord your God wih all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. God spake these words, and said: I am the Lord thy God who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. ”41 37 African Methodist Episcopal Church Bicentennial Hymnal (Nashville: A. May 13, 2004 · Finally, the Decalogue is positive because God purposed that the demands of the Decalogue would be fulfilled by one Israelite—the Messiah—not the nation as a whole. Unlike most such biblical statements reporting a divine act of speaking, this one does not ANALYSIS. The Transportation Ministry is looking for volunteer van drivers THE SUMMARY OF THE DECALOGUE. The Scripture, Preface to the Decalogue, Summary of the Decalogue, and Gloria Patri. Summary of the DecalogueAmiri Stiggers. Mar 31, 2019 · In preparation for us (Bethel A. Benjamin Rush, Mr. James, Reverend Lonnie Johnson, Mrs. 10am THE DECALOGUE - Pastor Matthew Watley Kingdom Fellowship AME Church Feb 24, 2002 · Pope John Paul II. However, most AME Sunday School opening's actually sing a chant [Lord, have mercy upon us and incline our hearts to do thy will. a set of components that work together to achieve the goal of the system. " Aug 3, 2016 · Bethel A. In fact, it is this special status that leads to the risk of people thinking that only the Decalogue is true. We will make no idols. 69 . Daniel Alexander Payne's History of the African Methodist Episcopal Church is a comprehensive history of the first hundred years of the African Methodist Episcopal (A. weebly. Rashbam’s younger contemporary, Abraham ibn Ezra (1089-1167), dedicates an excursus to this issue in his longer commentary on Exodus. Providence) hosting of the 2019 Boston-Hartford District Conference Oct. 17 · 1 comment · 167 views. Those interpretations include regarding the commandments as precepts given to Moses, as a prophetic text, or as a summary of legal and priestly tradition. The Decalogue Abridged & Summary by Sis. The Act of Consecration. Dekalog: One (Polish: Dekalog, jeden) is the first part of Dekalog, the drama series of films directed by Polish director Krzysztof Kieślowski for television, possibly connected to the first and second imperatives of the Ten Commandments: "I am the Lord your God; you shall have no other gods before me" and "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. The Decalogue. NOTES: The main discrepancies occur at the BEGINNING of the texts, in the first and/or second commandments: . This is the first and great commandment. By APOLINARIO MABINI. "You shall not make for yourself an idol. The first four commandments deal with our relationship with God. Hear what Christ our Savior saith, "Thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. It addresses the profound matters of time and its reckoning, work and rest, and man’s relation to God, the world, and his fellow men. No carved gods of any size, shape, or form of anything whatever, whether of things that fly or walk or swim. Ph: (617) 661-1110 ext. After each commandment, the people respond. GOD spake these words, and said: I am the LORD thy God; Thou shalt have none other gods but me. Registration fee is $35. Don’t bow down to them and don’t serve them Apr 20, 2021 · The Decalogue, or Ten Commandments, were added to the Anglican liturgy of the Mass in the Second Prayer Book of the Church of England of King Edward VI, 1552, and has remained ever since. Jul 10, 2012 · The contents of the Decalogue fall into two groups of fundamental moral commands and duties imposed by God: an early, brief group devoted to giving absolute respect to God, to the divine name, and to the Sabbath, the Lord’s day; and a second, larger group which focuses on respecting one’s fellow-Israelites, beginning with one’s elderly who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; you shall have no other gods before me. We will not invoke with malice your name O God. Jul 13, 2021 · The commandments, "You shall not commit adultery," "You shall not murder," "You shall not steal," "You shall not covet," and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself. colleges of ame church. K. It is founded on cause and effect logic that views an organization as a system, i. This work details the genesis of the Bethel Churches in Baltimore and Philadelphia, including the poor treatment of blacks in white churches that ultimately To live under the commandments is to be free. The Sabbath Day. White . Williams Pastor, Greater Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Kingstree, SC *The Gloria Patri Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be world without end. D. The response of the Kyrie eleison was adapted to be used with the Commandments, naturally following each Commandment as a prayer for the grace to obey the Law Feb 21, 2021 · 10am THE DECALOGUE - Pastor Matthew Watley. If you don’t attend in person, we can still be seen on Facebook or you can call the conference call The Decalogue: Traditional. 37 Bishop Richard Allen Drive. Laverne Pearsall at 302-500-2052. Church Office . See Ten Commandments, The. The ten principal commandments, Exodus 20:3-17, from the Greek words deka, ten, and logos, word. You will be required to sign in when you arrive. 615. Ten Commandments: Why the Decalogue Matters,” Kass’s essay is a highly original exploration of this core teaching of Judaism, one that has powerfully influenced the civilization of the West. The usual division of the Ten Commandments among Protestants is that which Josephus tells us was employed by the Jews in his day. May 14, 2014 · The Unique Status of the Decalogue. 41 Ibid, 112. Philo worked out the classes of law generated from each "word": the third "word," for example, covers all the rules of oaths; the fourth, all the sacred seasons and festivals; the fifth, all duties toward masters, elders, and rulers; the sixth, all sexual morality; the seventh, all The term ‘Ten Commandments’ or—more accurately—‘Decalogue’ comes from the Hebrew asérét haddevarim, literally ‘the ten words’ (Exod. A long-standing tradition of interpretation considers decalogues to be a genre developed by elite males to teach one another the basic stipulations of the Covenant between YHWH and Israel. 'The Ten Words'), or the Decalogue (from Latin decalogus, from Ancient Greek δεκάλογος, dekálogos, lit. 00. The Reverend Timothy Johnson Pastor, Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Cope, SC *The Gloria Patri Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be world without end. Thou shalt have none other gods but me. 39 Chan, Liturgical Theology, 111-112. Coston, Jr. The Decalogue: Traditional. THE HYMN: From all that dwell below the skies, let the Creator's Praise arise. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God. Leader: AME-SADA founded in 1977, grew out of the collective efforts of several primary individuals including, Bishop John Hurst Adams, Bishop Frederick C. Lewis (1946 - 2020) was itinerant elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. E. He begins by listing all the differences he sees, including ones that may appear trivial but are nevertheless present (for his full list, see appendix). The Summary of the Decalogue. 614. the Sublime Paralytic and the Brains of the Revolution. As we all stand, we face the altar-table The Decalogue: Contemporary. If in person, there is no on-line registration. the beatitudes. Ralston, and other respectable citizens, to interpose for us, both by advice and assistance, in getting our building finished: Bishop White also aided us, and ordained one from among ourselves, after the order of the English church, to be our pastor. 1×. Lord have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this law. Known For: The first independent Protestant denomination organized in America by people of African heritage. In his Letter the Pope says he observed that "those who took part in the Assisi Meeting were more than ever motivated by a Dec 3, 2013 · The next utterance gives the answer. 1. Monday - Thursday . , Pastor . The Introit to the Decalogue (#69, AMECH) From all that dwell below the skies, let the Creator's praise arise; Let the Redeemer's name be sung, through every land by every tongue. Gadson Pastor, Greater Target African Methodist Episcopal Church, Holly Hill, SC *The Gloria Patri Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be world without end. Feb 11, 2019 · A typical worship service may include music and hymns, responsive prayer, Scripture readings, a sermon, the offering, and communion. Headquarters: Nashville, Tennessee. Aug 14, 2019 · The most detailed pre-modern treatment of the differences between the two versions of the Decalogue is by Rabbi Abraham ibn Ezra (1089–1167), in his longer, or second commentary on Exodus. Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. From all the words of the poskim (halachic decisors) it is clear that the Decalogue has a superior status, whether because of its content or because it was given in a special revelation. They are a major topic in both Roman Catholic and Protestant catechisms and are posted in churches, classrooms, and courtrooms. White (Bishop Henry Turner’s Version) and institutions. listen to ‘The Decalogue of the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME), part 2 of 3’ on Audioboo. debutante and master study. Eternal are Thy mercies, Lord, Eternal truth attends Thy word; Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, till suns shall rise and set no more. Myriads of generations of Jews and Christians from antiquity to the present view the Decalogue—a term deriving from the Mar 10, 2019 · The Decalogue Hear the commandments of God to his people: I am the Lord your God who brought you out of bondage. Follow. The Decalogue: Contemporary. and/or 8:00 p. This is the first and great commandment and the second is like to it. Summary of the Decalogue. C. Let the Redeemer's Name be sung, thrugh every land by every tongue. Jun 3, 2013 · The Decalogue is introduced as follows: “And God spoke all these words, saying” (Exodus 20:1). Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven image, nor the likeness of any thing that is Jan 5, 2024 · THE SACRAMENT OF THE LORD’S SUPPER THE INVITATION You that do truly and earnestly repent of your sins, and are in love and charity with your neighbor, and intend to lead a new life, following the commandments of God, and walking from henceforth in His Holy ways, draw near with faith and take this holy sacrament to your comfort; and make your humble confession to Almighty God, meekly kneeling. Feb 2, 2015 · Ibn Ezra. Most contemporary Jews consider Exod 20:1-2 to be the first commandment, enjoining people to recognize the LORD as their God, while the second commandment forbids both polytheistic beliefs and practices (20:3-6 together). Display Title: Amen, Lord Have Mercy (Response to Decalogue) First Line: Amen, Lord have mercy Tune Title: [Amen, Lord have mercy] Date: 2011 Subject: Service Music | Responses African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal #614 Apr 8, 2012 · The Decalogue of the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME), part 1 of 3. We will not commit adultery. Its origins lie in wisdom literature. Missionary Sunday The Decalogue. Even so, AME Schools received national acknowledgment, restoration of accreditation, new students, greater and innovative finances, programs. Stephen has officially opened for weekly Sunday service. In popular American culture, they are often seen as the epitome of biblical ethics. cdmc motto. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. 4000 W. People: God of our salvation, only you are God. The Ten Commandments are essentially a summary of the 613 commandments contained in the Old Testament Law. In Exodus chapter 19 we learned that the giving of the Law was directly related to Israel’s calling to be “a kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (v. accomplished by the indoctrination of the young In the History, Doctrines and Usages of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, this, the result of my labor In revising and Improving "The Turner Catechism," Is faithfully submitted, with the sincere prayer that it may assist in making secure the future of the Church. Leader: Hear the Commandments of GOD to GOD's people: I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of bondage; you shall have no other gods before Me. The Reverend F. ). Union Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church Aug 1, 2017 · The Ten Commandments, known among Bible scholars and theologians as the Decalogue (literally, ten words), are a significant focus of the Christian ethical tradition. The AMEC, or African Methodist Episcopal Church, is an offshoot of the Methodist Church. He outlines the differences between the two versions of the Decalogue and then cites the midrash that we have seen—that the Decalogue was actually pronounced in two different ways at the same time. Leader Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven image, nor the likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, or in the water under the earth The Decalogue: Traditional. The Ministry of Music . ; African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal ‎#614. Wilburn Boddie, Dr. books of the bible. From all that Dwell . A month after the Assisi Meeting last 24 January, the Holy Father sent a Letter dated 24 February to all Heads of State and Government of the world to make known the "Decalogue of Assisi for Peace". Publisher: A. 4:13; 10:4), though it was not commonly used before Clement of Alexandria in the second century ad (Houtman, 1996). Amiri Stiggers. ]after the conclusion of each The Decalogue: Contemporary. The Jews call these precepts, The Ten Words. Of all the statements in the Decalogue, the one regarding the Sabbath is the most far-reaching and the most significant. Ming, as they sought to strengthen the mission of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in the lives of people in The Ten Commandments ( Biblical Hebrew: עֲשֶׂרֶת הַדְּבָרִים‎, romanized: ʿĂsereṯ haDəḇārīm, lit. 22:37-40) for brevity. Joseph C. Timothy O. com Sermon Title: LIVING THANKFUL As Swenson observes, it is ‘religious tradition’ that is responsible for our talking of ‘the Ten Commandments’. Los Angeles, CA 90002 . By understanding a company as a system . McKinney, with critical support from Bishop Donald G. Did you know? Oct 18, 2020 · The Decalogue Leader: Let us express our commitment to keep God’s law. But the two most important commandments were not even in the Decalogue (Matthew 22:37-39; 23:23); Jesus also said that true morality went beyond the wording of the Decalogue (Matthew 5:21-28). Oct 11, 2012 · A quick tutorial of the African Methodist Episcopal Decalogue Jonathan Hall University of Virginia Jph8r@virginia. PLEASE TAKE NOTE: NEW DIAL IN NUMBER 515-606-5796 followed by Access code: 478473#. Danya Dingle-Harrell. You must wear a mask covering nose and mouth at all times. Nor are they even called ‘commandments’: the word used in most English translations of the original Hebrew text is ‘words’, hence the alternative name for the Ten Commandments: the Decalogue. We will remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy. You shall not make for yourself any idol. 5:00. Lewis leads a congregation in reciting the Decalogue. S. Summary of the Decalogue Hear what Christ our savior saith, thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Hear the commandments of God to his people: I am the Lord your God who brought you out of bondage. We will not commit murder or slander. ’” The first four commandments deal with the Israelites' responsibility to God, and the final six commandments address the A Decalogue (5:7–21) is ten instructions, a handbook explaining the obligations of clients to their patrons (10:12—11:32; 16:18—17:13; 22:1–12; 24:6). *The Decalogue (Summary) . M. 40Ibid, 113. Amen. 38 As an alternative, the Book of Worship features the Summary of the Decalogue (Matt. ¶ The Decalogue may be omitted, provided it be said at least one Sunday in each month. There are two canonical versions of the text, in Exodus 20:2–17 Page 4 Being now as outcasts, we had to seek for friends where we could; and the Lord put it into the hearts of Dr. No other gods, only ME. The Worship of Giving precedes the sermon. edu St. Comments. 103 May 21, 2024 · The ten laws that God gave the Israelites at Sinai have come to be known as The Ten Commandments or the Decalogue, “a Hebrew expression, which occurs three times in the Old Testament and literally means ‘ten words. During this part of the service, the choirs and clergy are assembled in the back of the sanctuary. The Decalogue of the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME), part 1 of 3. Consecrate me now to Thy service Lord, by the power of grace divine; Let my soul look up with a steadfast hope, and my will be lost in Thine. The Decalogue, also called the Ten Commandments, is one of the Bible’s best-known passages. The Prelude. Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven image, nor the likeness of any thing that Oct 4, 2009 · This clip is of The Reverend Rachel Williams-Glenn, associate minister at Grant Chapel AME Church in Kansas City, Kansas, leading the congregation in the Sum Refrain. Share. We built a new Sunday School Union, published the AME Discipline in Spanish, and saw expansions beyond our imaginations because we are preserved by power divine. 9 am to 5 pm. We will honor our father and our mother. Tradition places the divinely inscribed copy of the Decalogue (31:18; 32:16) within the Ark of the Covenant (Deuteronomy 10:1-5). Mar 1, 2022 · By Cheryl ArnoldAs we enter into Lent, you will notice some changes to our liturgy and music. Second. 3. In a few AME churches which I have visited the full Decalogue has been deleted from the Order of Worship and replaced with the Summary of the Decalogue. From all that dwell below the skies, Let the Creator’s praise arise; Let the Redeemer’s name be sung, Through every land, by every tongue. " Love does no harm to a neighbor. Bloomington, 111. For 179 years, Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church, located in the nation’s capital, has been a beacon of light in the struggle for human dignity and spiritual renewal. Some, misunderstanding the nature of the gospel, will state they are good with God because Oct 5, 2014 · Both the Decalogue and the so-called “Book of the Covenant” (20:22-23:33) are properly understood in the context of the covenant relationship between God and the people. Slauson Avenue, Los Angeles 90043 - (323) 296-2406 email: pricechapel@yahoo. R. Rev. Anderson. Arguing that the very familiarity of the Decalogue interferes with a deeper understanding of its message, Kass focuses intensively on the text’s The Decalogue . ) Church. Dr. books of the explanation. SMITH. This serves as a means of focusing the assembly’s attention on the purpose of its gathering. Text: Amen, Lord Have Mercy (Response to Decalogue) Tune: [Amen, Lord have mercy] Composer: Vinton R. To learn more about African Methodist Episcopal Church history and beliefs, visit the official AMEC website. 18 & 19, please join the prayer call EVERY Thursday, (6:00a. GOD spake these words, and said: I am the L ORD thy God; Thou shalt have none other gods but me. Like. 34:28; Deut. " "Honor your father and your mother. com / website: pricechapel. Grant African Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. 0:00. presiding bishops. apostles' creed. Apr 8, 2012, 5:53 AM. Feb 4, 2022 · The Decalogue: Ten Commandments of the Bible. New Bethel AME Church Okahumpka, FL. Two songs we will sing each week are the Decalogue and Trisagion. The Reverend Dr. The meaning of DECALOGUE is ten commandments. Book Concern, Philadelphia, 1902: Denomination: African Methodist Episcopal Church: Language: English: Notes: Numbering follows the hymnal numbering except where there are two tunes for a text or a separate doxology tune added, in which cases the editor has added "a" and "b" to the numbers. Richardson, Jr. (Laying on of Hands) Bishop John Richard Bryant: The Lord pour upon you the Holy Spirit for the office and work of bishop in the Church of God, now committed to you by the imposition of our hands, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. psalm 23. · May 26, 2019 ·. Anyone with an HR background and is willing to volunteer at the church, please contact Sis. e. The AME worship finds its primary grounding in the tradition of John Wesley and Richard Allen. ” We know these “ten words” as the ten commandments, and we sing them at the beginning of the service and *The Preface to the Decalogue (in the tune of #258) “From all that dwell below the skies, let the Creator’s praise arise; let the Redeemer’s name be sung, through every land by every tongue. AME Hymnal No. This is answered by the Hymn of Praise by one of our several choirs and congregation. In the late Second Temple period, the Ten Commandments, or Decalogue, was as central to Jewish worship as the Shema (Deut 6:4-9) and preceded it in the morning prayers of the priests, prior to their making the daily ( Tamid) sacrifice in the Temple (Mishnah Tamid 5:1). Wikimedia. First. We find the canonical sequence of Decalogue- Shema Jul 2, 2019 · Founding: Established by Richard Allen in 1816 as Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. the general confession. It is open to everyone. Although phrased in semi-legal apodictic style, the Decalogue is not a legal code per se but more of a covenant document, which defines the borders of affiliation between the Israelite people and their God. I am the Lord thy God who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. ame church history. Nearer My God To Thee. Located blocks from the White House, it stands as the oldest Black church in downtown Washington, DC and is recognized as the The Decalogue is a science-based methodology that equips leaders and managers with the insight and foresight that comes from a systemic approach. 'ten words' ), are religious and ethical directives, structured as a covenant document, that, according Feb 9, 2023 · The Decalogue was not originally part of the Sinai theophany but was added later, both in Exodus and Deuteronomy. the lord prayer The Solicitation You that do truly and earnestly repent of your sins, and are in love and charity with your neighbor, and intend to lead a new life, following the commandments of God, and Delaware Annual YPD Conference – Saturday, March 16th, at Bethel AME Church, Wilmington, DE. You shall have no other gods but me. GOD spake these words and said; I am the Lord thy God Thou shalt have none other gods but me. St. Draw me nearer, nearer, blessed Lord, to the cross where Thou has died; Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, blessed Lord, to Thy precious, bleeding side. Sherry Bernard, Executive Assistant . 6). But NOTE, That whenever it is omitted, the Priest shall say the Summary of the Law, beginning, Hear what our Lord Jesus Christ. Thou shalt not make t o thysel f any grave n image, nor the likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, or in the water under the earth The ten precepts of the decalogue contain all the things of religion in a summary. The Summary of the Decalogue Bishop John F. This is the great and first commandment. People Lord have mercy upon us and incline our hearts to keep this law. Amen, Amen. Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy. Brian L. The following discussion highlights the significance and uniqueness of the Decalogue, surveys the different methodological Jun 5, 2024 · Scholars have proposed a wide range of dates on the basis of different interpretations of the commandments’ origin, from between the 16th and 13th centuries BCE to after 750 BCE. 27 The Decalogue, when isolated from its historical context in Exodus (as it often is in Christian moralizing), easily becomes a mere list of rules, a Summary of the Decalogue The Decalogue. . (Isaac Watts) *The Decalogue (Summary) . ” *The Summary of the Decalogue Sep 16, 2017 · We’ve come this far by faith. Decalogue. Jun 2, 2019 · The Decalogue. You shall not invoke with malice the Name of the Lord your God. Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this law. Jan 4, 2022 · The Ten Commandments (also known as the Decalogue) are ten laws in the Bible that God gave to the nation of Israel shortly after the exodus from Egypt. Dekalog ( pronounced [dɛˈkalɔg], also known as Dekalog: The Ten Commandments and The Decalogue) is a 1989 Polish drama television miniseries directed by Krzysztof Kieślowski [2] and co-written by Kieślowski with Krzysztof Piesiewicz, with music by Zbigniew Preisner. m. summary of the decalogue. Lord have mercy. This very familiarity, however, means that they are often heard as demands that God makes upon us. The Scriptures The Old Testament - Exodus 22:21-27 or Deuteronomy 15:4-11 or Leviticus 19:9, 10 The Epistle - I John 3:16-24 The Gospel - Matthew 25:31-46 The Preface to the Decalogue The Summary of the Decalogue AME-SADA LitanyLeader: AME-SADA founded in 1977, grew out of the collective efforts of several primary individuals including, Bishop The Decalogue came to be regarded as a summary of biblical law. 323-564-1151 . A close-up of the Decalogue, Exodus 20, in a Torah scroll. 10435 S. Wilfred D. Thou shalt love God and thy honor above all things: God as the fountain of all truth, of all justice and of all activity; and thy honor, the only power which will oblige thee to be faithful, just and industrious. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. The Reverend Friendly J. Next the morning Invocation and prayer responses are shared by the clergy and the congregation. Church Little Rock · Summary. Augustine and the Decalogue The Ten Commandments hold a significant place in the ordinary Christian’s understanding of the faith. Sunday School Union, 1986). Cambridge, MA 02139. M. DecalogueThe first song we will sing after the silent processional is the Decalogue, which literally means “the ten words. Recapitulation. " Almighty God, write your law upon our hearts. Next Scripture reading, summary of the Decalogue, Affirmation of Faith and music selection. hy mj qn wt xl ag ao dn us cc